Etiquette, Rules & Regulations
*The Golf Committee has devised the following rules. We thank you in advance for your adherence to these rules. Please advise your guests of our rules prior to their arrival to avoid possible embarrassment.
Cart Rules
Please abide by the daily cart regulations posted by our golf course superintendent. Please keep all carts at least 30 feet from all greens.
Cellular Telephone Usage
Cell phone usage on club property is strictly discouraged, NOT permitted within ear shot of other people and strictly prohibited in and around the clubhouse.
Club House Rules
In addition to the golf rules please keep in mind these clubhouse rules.
Dress Code
During a round of golf, shirts can become un-tucked. Please ensure, upon re-entering the clubhouse, that your golf shirt is tucked into your pants / shorts. To maintain the traditional decorum of golf, members and their guests must be dressed in appropriate golf attire, which includes full-length slacks or proper length shorts (cargo shorts are not acceptable), and collared golf shirts. Men’s shirttails must be tucked in. Short sleeved mock turtlenecks are acceptable. Ladies must wear shirts with collars or shirts with sleeves. Ladies may not wear short shorts, tank tops or halter tops. Blue jeans are not permitted. All hats must be worn with the bill facing forward. To avoid embarrassment, members should inform their guests of these rules in advance.
Club House & Children
Please remember that it is the responsibility of the member to ensure the proper behavior of their children while in the clubhouse.
Please remember that the clubhouse and its porch are a smoke-free environment and cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking are not permitted.
Outside Food & Beverage
Now that we the club offers food and beverage service, members are prohibited from bringing outside food to the club.
Members Use of Cash
Cash may not be used by members on the club premises, except for paying and tipping caddies. All food, beverages and other goods and services shall be paid by signed receipt.
Guests Use of Cash
Guests will not be permitted to use cash on the club premises except for paying and tipping caddies
Use of Credit Cards
Members may not use credit cards for any purpose at the Club. Guests may use credit cards for pro shop merchandise.
Directions from Golf Staff
Golfers must obey directions given by the Professional Staff, including directions to interrupt or cease play or proceed to the next hole in cases where the group has lost their position on the golf course.
Family Use
Each membership is held in the name of the individual, but a member may designate an associate member in accordance with the Bylaws. The member, the associate member and their unmarried children, under the age of twenty-five (25), who are living at home or are attending school on a full-time basis, shall have access to the Club Facilities.
Other qualifying family members who are not covered under the preceding paragraph, include any child and the member’s spouse, brother, sister, father, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law. These family members may use the club in accordance with Guest Regulations.
Food Minimum
The annual food minimum per family is $850.00. The minimum will be charged is two installments, one in March and one in June.
The following purchases will be applied to minimum:
- Any breakfast or lunch charges in the Clubhouse
- Any food charges at the Half Way House
- The food portion associated with:
- Club Tournaments
- Club Cook-outs
If you have any questions pertaining to your balance, please do not hesitate to contact the golf shop.
The possession of firearms on the property is not permitted.
Guest Regulations
There are family guest fees for qualifying family members. See “Fees” section.
Friday will be considered a weekend day and guest fees will reflect the weekend rate.
Any member who wishes to entertain more than seven guests at one time must apply in writing to the golf committee.
Unaccompanied Guest Play
A member may send one unaccompanied foursome per day, Monday through Thursday. Any member who wishes to send more than one unaccompanied foursome must obtain advance approval from the Golf Professional. The group must tee off between 9:30 and 10:00 am or 1:30 to 2:00 pm on their respective date. Unaccompanied groups must always be accompanied by a caddie.
Children and Multiple Guest Play
A guest may play or practice at the Club one time every 30 days for a total of six times per calendar year, (except for house guests who may play all six days while residing with a Member), whether as the guest of one or more members. All adult children of members may play up to 12 times per year, but only when accompanied by their parent or person with playing privileges.
Golf Course Care
It is the player’s responsibility to leave the golf course in the same condition as when their round started. Please repair your ball mark and one other, replace divots, and rake bunkers.
Please pick up your broken tees and place in the tee receptacle on each tee box.
Please leave all rakes outside the bunker. Please exit all bunkers from the low side and remember to tap your shoes to remove any excess sand that may have attached to your shoes. This will prevent the excess sand from being deposited on green complexes.
Golf Shoes
Shoes with metal spikes are not allowed at the Club. Shoes with “soft spikes” or spikeless shoes are approved for play.
The Board of Directors wants all members to be comfortable at the club and encourages members to be friendly and courteous with all members, their guests and our staff. A member should not approach another member, on or off the golf course, with issues regarding infractions of the rules or regulations of the Club or golf etiquette in general, and should not use inappropriate language or engage in unacceptable behavior on Club property. If a member has a complaint regarding pace of play, treatment of the golf course, club rules or the like, the member should take his or her complaint to the Golf Professional or the Golf Committee, and the Golf Committee will review the situation and take proper action. Similarly, if a member has a complaint about the staff, the complaint should be brought to the attention of the Golf Professional or the appropriate committee. Any golfer in violation of these rules may be required to vacate the golf course, and may be subject to further penalties imposed by the Board, including suspension.
Pace of Play
It is everyone’s responsibility to insure that all rounds of golf are played in 4 hours and 15 minutes or less. Please inform your guests prior to teeing off of our policy. Please remember that it is your responsibility to stay current with the group ahead of you. It is the responsibility of the slower group to invite any faster group to play through.
The USGA has determined a maximum strokes allowed per hole for all skill levels. Please consult the golf shop about your own maximum allowed strokes. It is recommended that upon reaching your “max” that you pick up and move to the next hole.
Anticipate the shot you are about to play and be at the ball ready to play when it is your turn. Many times it is helpful to take a few clubs with you to your ball.
Upon completing the hole, please leave the green site without delay. It is in the best interest of pace of play to park your cart at the back of the green and wait until the next tee box to record your scores.
In addition, please consult with the Professional Staff to select the appropriate set of tees to match you and your guest’s skill level. The club has four sets of tees and hybrid rated
courses for both Men and Women.
Pets are prohibited on the property at all times.
Posting Scores
Please consult with the golf staff to understand what is an acceptable score for posting. All nine hole scores must be posted and the USGA has regulations for instances when less than 18 holes are played.
Push / Pull / Motorized Golf Bag Transportation:
The use of push or pull and any motorized golf bag transportation is not permitted on the golf course.
Prior to play, all members and guests must register with the Director of Outside Operations. Unless otherwise arranged, all play must start from the first tee and skipping holes is not permitted.
Tipping Policy
Tipping is prohibited for all Bull’s Bridge employees. The wait staff, bartenders, locker room attendant, and outside service staff that work for the Outside Services Supervisor (and handle golf bags and clean clubs) are employees, and should not be tipped. Caddies are independent contractors; the caddie rates, including the minimum gratuity, may be found in the golf book. If you have any questions regarding the appropriate range of “caddie tips,” please consult with the Outside Services Supervisor.